Porcelain Crowns and Bridges

When you damage or lose a tooth, finding the correct restoration is important because it can protect your smile. At Mark Tickle, DMD, Family, Cosmetic, and Implant Dentistry, we offer long-lasting, aesthetic restorations to meet all of your dental needs.

Custom Porcelain Crowns

When your tooth sustains damage, we may be able to repair and protect it with a strong, attractive porcelain crown. Because crowns completely cover your tooth from your gum line to the chewing surface, they can prolong the life of your tooth by decades.

You may require a crown on any tooth that sustains damage, especially a molar that absorbs most of the force when it comes to chewing. A crown will completely cover your tooth and protect it during day-to-day use. Without a proper crown restoration, your tooth may split, causing extreme pain and potentially the loss of your tooth.

We custom create each crown to match your smile, provide a comfortable fit, and last a long time. We will take impressions and send your case to a trusted dental lab that will create your crown. In the meantime, we will place a temporary crown on your tooth so that you feel comfortable. Once we receive your crown, Dr. Mark Tickle will permanently attach it to your existing tooth structure and make any small adjustments to ensure a perfect fit. Your new crown will feel comfortable and look great!

Porcelain Dental Bridges

We often recommend dental implants to replace a missing tooth because it helps to preserve your bone. However, some patients are not good candidates for implants or simply want an alternate solution. Dental bridges are a common and successful way to restore the appearance of your smile. Your bridge will act as a placeholder to keep your other teeth from shifting and will also "bridge the gap" in your smile, giving it a seamless appearance.

We create dental bridges by prepping your adjacent teeth with special abutment crowns to hold your replacement porcelain tooth in place. Each bridge is a single unit and will match your smile so that no one knows you have a dental bridge. We will permanently attach it to your existing tooth structure, giving you a stable bite.

Because your oral health is essential to the longevity of your dentistry, you will need to pay special attention to the gums surrounding your dental bridge and keep your gums clean. We will go over techniques to floss and clean your dental bridge so that it lasts for a long time.

Do You Have a Damaged or Missing Tooth?

Call our Tuscaloosa, AL dental office today to schedule an evaluation with Dr. Mark Tickle. We look forward to providing you with the comfortable, high-quality dental care you and your family deserve.
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